Standing Committees of the CCSS
All CCSS standing committees exist to serve a specific function and to supplement the work of the board of directors. Committees are comprised of board members (who are elected students) and society staff. However, ANY CAMOSUN STUDENT is welcome to participate in any of the below committees. Please contact the chair of the committees using the emails below, or through the CONTACT US page, for information about upcoming meetings. We welcome your input!
Campaigns Committee
The Campaigns Committee discusses and develops political campaigns and coordinates British Clumbia Federation of Students (BCFS) and Canadian Alliance of Student Associations campaigns at Camosun College. This committee also discusses current political events and strategies, both on campus and in the larger community. This committee is chaired by the External Executive. Contact:
Events Committee
The Events Committee is a planning committee for events at Camosun College campuses. This committee meets regularly to plan annual events and special events, including: Welcome Back Week (CamFest), DeStress Fest, Sustainability Day and so on. This committee is chaired by the Campus Executives. Contact:
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee designs a budget annually and reviews the budget semi-annually. It also discusses any major financial issues that are referred to the committee by the board of directors. This committee is chaired by the Finance Executive. Contact:
Organizational Design Committee
The OD (Organizational Design) Committee discusses and drafts policy, including: CCSS Services, Motions for CCSS and BCFS and CFS general meetings, and bylaw proposals for the CCSS bylaws. This committee meets as required, often at the direction of the committee chair. This committee chair is appointed by the board. Contact:
Clubs Council
The Clubs Council serves to direct the clubs program for CCSS. This includes approving budgets and expenses for clubs, approving registrations for clubs, and authorizing travel funds. As per CCSS bylaws and policy, the council is made up of the two elected campus executives; (the Lansdowne Executive and the Interurban Executive) and is resourced by the Clubs & Events Coordinator. Contact: